Monday, 13 January 2014


Today was yet another work day.

Devotions in the morning was led by Grace!

Grace did her daily devotional from John 9. John 9 was about the Jesus healing the blind man and how it tied to the later passage of spiritual blindness. We talked about how the blind man just trusted Jesus despite not knowing who he was and just went all the way to the Pool of Siloam to wash off the mud Jesus put onto his eyes and it paid off! His trust in Jesus despite not knowing that he was the son of God led to his eyes being healed! As for the spiritual blindness, we talked about the Pharisees, the normal people and Jesus. How those who claimed to be knowledgeable and claimed to be able to "see" were so blinded by themselves that their guilt remained as they could "see". However those who were blind could have their eyes opened by Jesus and not be guilty as they could not "see" the right path.

Afternoon we had missions training by brother Keet. All of us sat in for the beginning of missions training where there was a sharing of the proper way to do testimony sharing. We listened to the incorrect one and the correct one and had to all say what were some of the good and bad points of the testimony. We were also all paired up and made to learn a skit for the Myanmar mission trip. The skit was rather simple and it was about giving your heart to God.

Grace leading devotions
Terence is balding?


So Kawaii


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